Issue 2 of the Spanish-Language Literary Newsletter Is Out

Earlier this year, an association for promoting Mormon literature in Spanish known as La Cofradía de Letras Mormonas published the first issue of its newsletter El Pregonero de Deseret. Roughly three months later, issue no. 2 is out, which can be downloaded here.

Issue 2 follows the same basic format as the first issue, and includes the following:

An editorial piece which attempts to define “Mormon literature” for purposes of this Spanish-language association. After outlining several possibilities, it casts a wide net by including any literature created by Mormon authors, independent of its themes, as well as any Mormon-themed literature by authors not associated with Mormonism.

Two poems, one published by Máximo Corte, of Argentina, in 1947, and another one published by Margarita S. Pírez, of Uruguay, in 1970. Both of these poems were originally published in official, Spanish-language Church publications.

A short explanation of the origins of the association’s logo, which as can be seen below, is a clever mesh of Picassos Don Quixote and the iconic angel Moroni trumpet.

Don Quixote with Moroni TrumpetA review of El aguijón, a collection of Mormon-themed poems penned by Osvaldo R. Borelo, of Argentina.

An author spotlight of R. de la Lanza, a Mexican author who wrote the Mormon novel Eleusis.

A partial translation of Spencer W. Kimball’s talk on his vision for the arts and the restored gospel. The translation includes only those excerpts that pertain to literature, some of which were not included in the original 1978 publication of the talk in Spanish (the Liahona often included summarized or partial articles in those days).

So, if this is of interest to you, you might want to check out the newsletter.

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