Rasband, “Be Not Troubled” (Reviewed by Richard Ji)

Image result for Be Not Troubled Ronald A. Rasband


Title: Be Not Troubled
Author: Ronald A. Rasband
Publisher: Deseret Book
Genre: Religious Non-fiction
Year Published: 2020
Number of Pages: 106
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN-13 Hardcover: 9781629728896
Price: $17.99

Reviewed by Richard Ji for the Association for Mormon Letters

“We live in perilous times.  Rage, calamity, and commotion swirl about us” (p. 1). These are the opening words of Elder Ronald A. Rasband in his new book, Be Not Troubled.  These words seem as timely as ever with the dramatic events in recent months.  Elder Rasband’s devotional book is a compilation of messages from his previous General Conference talks, scriptures, quotations, and stories that provide reminders and guidance to help navigate today’s world.

The book is a quick read and is comprised of 6 chapters that are book ended by an Introduction and a Conclusion.  The cover, memes, and photography contained in each chapter depict majestic scenes from nature evoking both power and tranquility.  Elder Rasband opens the book with his Introduction entitled “These are My Days.”  There, he acknowledges the reality of troubles and turmoil’s in God’s plan and reminds that “the key to withstanding the turmoil is to keep focused on Jesus Christ” (p. 2).  He relates that to “Be Not Troubled means to see with a blessed eternal perspective” (p. 2).  The following 6 Chapters provide counsel to aid us in our quest to focus on the Savior and to see the eternal perspective:

  • Chapter 1: Find Refuge from Fear
  • Chapter 2: Keep your Promises; Trust the Lord’s Promises
  • Chapter 3: Create a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection
  • Chapter 4: Remember Spiritual Experiences
  • Chapter 5: Become an Instrument in the Lord’s Hands
  • Chapter 6: Choose an Eternal Perspective.

The Conclusion ends where the book began, but with an Apostolic promise that we “will not be troubled as [we] are renewed by [the Savior’s] love, patience, assurance, and mercy” (p. 105).

For those who were able to listen to Elder Rasband’s talks in General Conference, much of the material will sound familiar.  For those who may be in search of an abundance of new insights, you may come away disappointed.  Rather than purchasing the book, you may want to refer to his Conference talks directly.  But for those who value the compilation of his messages into a broader construct of how to Be Not Troubled, this will be a good read.

Despite much of the material being recognizable, I came away with several important promptings.  As with the scriptures, the Lord has a way of bringing different things to light each time we read them.  His counsel to “look a little deeper for the good and building on it;” (p. 5) “put your arms around those who stumble and, with the strength of the Spirit within you, lead them lovingly back to the fortress of spirituality and protection;” and to be compassionate and fair minded as we actively seek to keep our religious freedom and liberties were particularly meaningful perspectives for me.  Elder Rasband observes that:

every one of us carries burdens and challenges, faces ailments and diseases, and needs special, individual care.  That is how mortality refines and grows our hearts to match the stature of our eternal souls. (p. 80)

Refining and growing our hearts with love, patience, and mercy would be a welcomed contribution to our communities and world.  It is easier to have such attributes towards those we may agree with and love already.  It is much harder to do so with those whom we may not.  Hence, refining and enlarging our hearts to include those who may trouble us seems consistent with the Lord’s way.  Be Not Troubled is a wonderful reminder to live as the Lord lived.  By focusing on His ways, I believe Elder Rasband’s promise that we will be not troubled and will be renewed.