Kapp, “Eyes To See: Recognizing The Lessons In Our Lives” (reviewed by Trudy Thompson)


Title: Eyes To See: Recognizing The Lessons In Our Lives
Author: Ardeth G. Kapp
Publisher: Deseret Book
Genre: Inspiration
Year Published: 2016
Number Of Pages: 90
Binding: Hardback
ISBN13: 978-1-62972 160-6
Price: $15.99

Reviewed by Trudy Thompson for the Association for Mormon Letters

It is within the realm of normal human nature to question at times what the purpose of our existence is. We many wonder why we have to experience so many challenges and hardships. We may moan and complain at times that our lot in life is not fair. We question why some people seem to live on easy street and we find ourselves perpetual students of the School of Hard Knocks. Our perspective can become clouded and negative.

In her new book, Ardeth G. Kapp, President of the Young Women’s Organization of the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints from 1984-1992, eloquently offers her insights into ways we can change how we look at our lives and our life experiences. Sister Kapp postulates
the idea that in striving to understand events, both positive and painful, and the way we see ourselves, with a more positive and eternal outlook, we can gain greater happiness and spiritual buoyancy.

In our ever complicated and busy lives, we may look but not see the things that truly matter. We may listen but not hear the whisperings of the
Spirit. We may think but not ponder with an eternal viewpoint. A more rich and abundant life may require expanding our vision and seeing
familiar things in a new light. It has been said that the farther back we look, the farther ahead we can see.

The author uses personal stories, poems, scriptures, General Authority talks, etc, to clarify what she has observed, felt, and learned through the years.

A story about her father symbolizes the tenacity of one who feels duty- bound to maintain a positive outlook, despite hardships endured. She relates the story of going to visit her father while he was in the final stages of stomach cancer. His spirit had actually outgrown his 120 pound body. She asked him one morning how he was doing that day. Using all the energy he could muster, he happily stated, fine!! To which she countered by replying, “Dad, look at you, how can you say that?” He responded with a smile, “You check what is in your mind before you check the deteriorating condition of your body. I am just fine.” Then with unwavering faith he added, “It gets really exciting when you get near the infield.”

All of us exhibit various forms of hope in our lives. Some hope the doctor will say, “Not malignant.” Others might hope the employer will say, “You’re hired.” And still others hope the Savior will say, “You’re forgiven.” Hope encourages us and pulls us around the next corner, over the
next hill, and draws us forward with a sense of optimism and anticipation, with an eternal outlook.

As we read and study the scriptures for comfort and courage, we should view them as “letters from home.” We are away from our eternal home and at times may experience feelings of homesickness, restlessness, being unsettled. In reading passages from scriptures that may speak to us personally, we may realize that these letters might say things to us such as,”Dear child, I will encircle thee in the arms of my love.” Another letter might say, “Dear child, look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.”

Many stories of faith are given in this book. One of my favorites was the story of how after three years of severe drought and extreme winds, farmers in Alberta, Canada, (where Sister Kapp grew up) were faced with a serious decision. The lack of moisture for such a lengthy period of time was affecting everyone in the area. not just farmers. Medical personnel saw people canceling their appointments because they had no way of paying. The situation was dire, and the questions on peoples’ minds was whether or not they should borrow from the bank again to purchase seeds to be planted that year, in hopes they would have a successful harvest the following year. The results would have a deep impact on entire families, either good or bad, for many years to come.

Around the same time as the farmers faced this dilemma, a Stake Conference was held in the area. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke. In the middle of his prepared talk, he suddenly paused and spoke in a different tone. He told the members that he felt to give an apostolic blessing on the land. In the blessing he counseled the farmers to move forward with plans for planting and that there would be a rich harvest. The day after Elder Holland left to return home, it began to rain heavily. It continued on for four days and filled the rivers, ditches, and lakes. It was estimated that it would have normally taken three years to bring the water level in the lakes and rivers to that point.

This small but poignant volume is filled with practical wisdom, gospel truths, and enlightenment. It is full of encouragement and would be an uplifting and meaningful choice to give to friends and family members, visiting teaching sisters, and nearly everyone else on your list. It would be a welcome thank you gift and with Valentines Day right around the corner, you would do well to check out this little book to go along with the chocolates and flowers you already have in mind.

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