AML Annual Meeting

I want to interrupt our regular blog discussion to extend an invitation to all members, former members, and future members of the Association for Mormon Letters to attend our Annual Meeting on Saturday 27 February at UVU’s library. The theme of this year’s Meeting is “One Eternal Round: Mormon Literature Past, Present, and Future.” In keeping with this theme, we will be screening the 1931 film “Corianton: A Story of Unholy Love,” one of the first feature-length Mormon films to be produced. The film is a must-see for those interested in Mormon cultural studies, bringing together a fictionalized Book of Mormon narrative; epic Cecil B. DeMillesque production; Aztec stage settings; Roman costumes; pseudo-Shakespearean dialogue; some glitzy dance numbers; and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for good measure. This is one film that must be seen! BYU’s film archivist, James D’Arc will introduce the film, setting it in its appropriate context. This may be one of the few chances audiences will have to see this historic Mormon film.

Additionally, I have been busy reviewing conference submissions and want to report that we have some extremely strong papers this year. The discussion of Mormon literature, film, drama, and art is going to be unprecedented. You simply cannot afford to miss this year’s AML Annual Meeting.

Attendance is free to all AML members and students. (AML membership is inexpensive and includes an annual subscription to Irreantum and can be purchased at the door!) Registration starts at 8:00 a.m. and seating for “Corianton” will close (not begin, close) at 9:00 a.m.

AML also will host a luncheon starting at 1:00 p.m. Seating for the luncheon is limited so tickets should be ordered ahead of time. You can order luncheon tickets through a PayPal option on the AML website at

Finally, you will be impressed at our awards ceremony at the quality and breadth of our Mormon literary landscape. We’ve got some spectacular winners this year!
I look forward to meeting all of you at our Annual Meeting, and, trust me, you will not soon forget “Corianton.”


10 thoughts

  1. Not AML, but the annual symposium on science fiction and fantasy at BTU (Life, The Universe, and Everything) is running Thursday through Saturday, February 11-13 at the BYU Wilkenson Center.

  2. I’ll be at the BYU Science Fiction Symposium as well as the AML Annual Meeting, and I hope I’ll see a few other AML people at the symposium this week as well.

  3. .

    I wanted to come but in the end I couldn’t afford it. That’s no reason not to attend my paper-reading though! My brother’s reading it and people tell us we’re doppelgangers.

  4. Eric Jepson, if you can’t afford to get to Orem, that’s one thing, but you’re an AML member, so the whole meeting is free to you. The luncheon costs, of course, but the rest of the day and the reception in the evening are free to AML members, Irreantum subscribers, and students who bring their student ID with them.

  5. .

    Oh, I’m mixed up. I thought we were talking about LTUE still. But it’s the same reason for both — Utah’s too dang far away. Also, it’s cold this time of year and living where I do has made me soft. I would love to attend both.

  6. Well, the BYU Science Fiction Symposium is free to anyone. What you could do is come to Utah for a couple of weeks (arriving in time for the BYU SF Symposium, and leaving after the AML Annual Meeting).

    I think that sounds like a great idea, and we’d all love to meet you.

  7. That would be lovely, William.

    However, if you’ve ever tried to get your home teaching done all in the same afternoon, you probably know how hard it is to coordinate that many things that well. (Unless you only home teach one family, that is. My visiting teaching companion and I visit only two sisters, and that’s a challenge right there.)

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