Over the last several years, as you know, the blog at blog.mormonletters.org has had a few flash fires, but they always got extinguished and new curtains put back up. By last week, though, new curtains weren’t sufficient to keep the illusion that all was well. There was a condemned sign on the front door.
I’ll spare everyone the details of what was done to salvage everything, but suffice it to say, almost* everything got salvaged, if not put away. In fact, most of it hasn’t been put away and it’s all really messed up, but we’ve got it.
We have the reviews/awards database. We have the review posts from the old forum, which was going to be retired anyway. We have past issues of Irreantum (not part of the move, but we have them). We have all the reviews posted since they began posting on the blog instead of the forum. We have restored most of the WordPress posts since AML went to WP, and while we have them all, those from February 3 to March 25 aren’t here.
They will be re-posted, but it may take a while because they are a mess and have to be reformatted. We would like to request the original authors of those posts re-post them if they have them stored on their hard drives (I don’t do that for my own posts, although I should, so I’m assuming many of you wouldn’t have, either).
*There are many images that didn’t make the move and I can’t retrieve them. Many of the posts that are here don’t have them. If you wrote a post with images and you believe they are necessary for the post, please fix those. If you aren’t concerned, we can leave them be.
Once we’ve cleared out mormonletters.org (yet to be done), we may or may not move back to that domain on a fresh foundation. We haven’t made that decision yet.
Please make associationmormonletters.org/blog/ your bookmark. We are working on redirects, but we find that to be low priority in light of the technical hoops to be jumped through.
We will be putting up contact information and other little tasks here and there. We will be working on a static site where we can put the databases and past reviews, but that will take a while (as in, years).
Thank you for your patience. You have no idea how much we appreciate it.
Heroic effort, E.
Thank you for keeping the site alive!
Thank you! I’m just hoping it won’t blow up any time soon. 🙂