Hi folks,
I think everyone can agree that while the conversation here continues to be enjoyable, our numbers are fewer than we’d like. I’m therefore pleased to announce several new (and in one case returning) contributors to the AML blog! These include:
- Michael Austin, a longtime Mormon literary scholar whose posts on how various critical approaches could be applied to Mormon literature were one of the high points of the AML-List shortly after I joined in the 1990s
- Sarah Dunster, a published poet and novelist
- Sheldon Lawrence of BYU – Idaho, the new AML president
- Shelah Miner, whose student papers from the class she teaches on Mormon literature have been featured here from time to time
- Eric Samuelsen, noted Mormon playwright, teacher, and reviewer, back after a hiatus
I am also going to be taking a monthly slot covering the Mormon sf&f beat, in addition to serving as blog moderator.
Please let me know any additional suggestions you may have, either for regular or guest contributors. I can be contacted either by responding to this post or by emailing jonathan AT langfordwriter DOT com.
And a warm welcome to all!
My Book, “The War Against Christianity”, has been reviewed by AML (Kent Ponder). May I use a Quote from his review for an ad I am putting in the LDS Living magazine?
Yes, please do! Please attribute AML, Dawning of a Brighter Day, and the review author.