1. Prophet
Bob Rees and Clifton Jolley are collecting poems for an anthology inspired by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Poems need not be biographical, theological, or focus on the mission of the Prophet. Or they may. All verse forms are permitted. Poems previously published must include complete citation of previous publication. Submit as many as 3 poems but no more than 5 pages as MSWord documents to:
bobrees2@gmail.com Cc clifton@
Submission Deadline: 1 June 2018
Immortal Works (editors James Wymore and D.J. Butler) hereby call for submissions for an anthology of MORMON STEAMPUNK to be called PRESS FORWARD, SAINTS.
Here is the deal:
1. The writer’s religious affiliation is completely irrelevant. We don’t care; we don’t even want to know. I really want to emphasize this point. This is not an anthology for Mormon writers only.
2. The story does not have to be set in any particular world. The story must be in some sense “Mormon” and in some sense “Steampunk.” We’ll try to interpret those categories both broadly.
3. If your story is faith-promoting (Mormonism is “true” in the story), we’ll stop reading it. If it is mean-spirited (Mormons are all idiots), we’ll also stop reading it.
4. Stories should be at least 2,000 words long and generally no more than 8,000 words.
5. The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2018.
6. Authors will not receive up-front payments. Authors will share in the revenues from sales of the book over time and will receive one (1) complimentary author copy.
7. Send submissions to david.john.butler (at) hotmail.com. Include the words “PRESS FORWARD SAINTS SUBMISSION” in the subject line.
Thanks for posting this, Andrew. I would have missed hearing about the Steampunk one!