Come learn about The Plan

Irreantum 19.4


The release of Irreantum 19.4 is the culmination of two goals I’ve had since taking over the editorship:

First, The Plan may have been the first themed issue I conceived of.  Join the AML Discord server if you want to debate whether this counts as a genre or not, but Mormon literature exploring the unrevealed nooks and crannies of eternity is one of my favorite genres. I’m pleased we are adding to its stores today.

Second, Irreantum released four issues this year, getting us back on a quarterly schedule and more quickly than I had imagined. Plus, we pay now! (Help us.)

Will we stay quarterly next year? Hard to say. Part of the reason Irreantum managed four issues was with the help of guest editors. Wine into Water and Long Poetry saw Kevin Klein and Michael R. Collings do much of the mental work.

In other words, Irreantum is a community project. And if you have a neighborhood you would like to build and people, please reach out!

But today: read.

The Plan features fiction in three languages, poetry, criticism. The Plan stars octopuses and intelligences, and will take you a ride from before the world was and into realms travelers are not supposed to return from, through love and anger and fear and hope and memories and futures.

I can’t promise any particular work will stick with you the rest of your life.

But I feel I can predict at least one will give you a deep need to share it with someone else. You’ll need someone to talk to. And if you can’t find someone else, we’re on Twitter.

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