Irreantum Spring 2002—Volume 4, Number 1
AML News
President’s Message, by Gideon Burton.
Robert Smith
Novel Excerpt
For Time and All Absurdity, Robert Smith
Serpents in Our Midst: What Brigham City Tells Us about Ourselves, John-Charles Duffy
A Response to John-Charles Duffy on Brigham City, Scott R. Parkin
Memoir Excerpt
Converting Oneself, Holly Welker
Dutcher and Me, Alan Rex Mitchell
A Note on This Issue’s Fiction, Tory Anderson
Habits, Karen Rosenbaum
Room for Solomon, Lisa Torcasso Downing
First, Linda Paulson Adams
The Salvation of Audrey Johnson, Edward Hogan
Harden Times, Susan J. Kroupa
My Cigarette Vendors, Bessie Soderborg Clark
Relief Society Lesson in a Singles Ward, Kevin Peel
Metaphors, Leah Bowen
Bound for Importance, Jeffrey Needle. A review of Margaret Blair Young and Darius Aidan Gray’s Bound for Canaan
“Oh Bear Man of Mine!” Melissa Proffitt. A review of Carol Lynch Williams’s My Angelica
A Fresh-Faced Sequel, Katie Parker. A review of Anne Bradshaw’s Chamomile Winter
A Storyteller with Heart and Humor—Pressed Down and Flowing Over, Valerie Holladay. A review of Kerry Blair’s The Heart Only Knows
Morality without Clichés, Katie Parker. A review of Lisa McKendrick’s On a Whim
The Elusive Nature of Good and Evil, Jeffrey Needle. A review of Marilyn Brown’s House on the Sound
Selected Recent Releases
AML-List Highlights
What’s the point of reading novels? Repenting of stories. AML youth program. Acceptance of Mormon lit. Responding to critics.
Empty Temple Bag Stolen from Atop Temple Locker (The Sugar Beet)