Title: The Redeemer
Author: Jenny Oaks Baker
Publisher: Shadow Mountain Records
Genre: Christian Contemporary Classical
Year Published: 2022
Run Time: 44 minutes
Album Type: Compact Disc
SKU: 6002669
Price: $14.98
Jenny Oaks Baker’s recent album The Redeemer is an album focused on the life of Christ. The first piece of music, “The Chosen: God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son,” is about the pre-existence. The next performance, “Born This Day: For Unto Us a Child Is Born,” is about his birth. After this, there are three pieces of music that focus on His mortal ministry and three that relate to the Atonement. The album concludes with pieces that cover His time in the Spirit World and finally the Resurrection, with appropriate songs for each event.
Three of the songs are original compositions by Kurt Bestor, and the others are hymns or classical songs that have been rearranged by Kurt Bestor. A fun tidbit is that the solo cellist is one of Jenny Oaks Baker’s daughters.
The Redeemer holds true to Jenny Oaks Baker’s joyful and passionate musical style that she is known for. This album exemplifies how a testimony of Christ can be shared via music. The Redeemer is the perfect CD to listen to on Sundays, studying the scriptures, driving to the temple, or really any time you would like to feel peace and be reminded of Jesus Christ. The run time of The Redeemer is 44 minutes. This is another fantastic collaboration between Jenny Oaks Baker and Kurt Bestor!