Title: Beneath the Falls
Author: Mark D. Bennion
Publisher: Resource Publications
Genre: Poetry
Year Published: 2020
Number of Pages: 87
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-7252-8226-1
Price: 11.00
Reviewed by Karen Hamilton for the Association of Mormon Letters
Beneath the Falls is a collection of 45 poems by literary professor Mark D. Bennion. The poems in this collection are built in part on Bennion’s “autobiographical experience” (xiii) and give the reader a variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual glimpses into various stages of life. The contents of Beneath the Falls are divided into the categories of “Nativity,” “Burial,” “Alteration,” and “Praise.”
Life is an adventure and rarely provides a smooth path that leads us quickly and peacefully to our desired destination. As life goes on and we grow and experience the challenges that come with it, we experience a roller-coaster of highs and lows. On this ride, we learn to adapt to the curve-balls and rocky roads that come our way. Some of these lessons are repeated as we go along life’s path and gain new experiences and insights. Bennion begins exploring this journey on day one, literally and metaphorically as the first poem in the collection uses interesting descriptives to depict the first day of his life as he is held in his mother’s arms in the hospital. This segues into the night before his baptism which includes such unusual items as “mulch, berries, and dead mice…” (p. 5). Bennion continues to lead his readers on his fascinating life’s journey as he narrates you through various teenage adventures.
As the journey of life continues, Bennion and the reader experience a change in perspective as their role in life is changed. The same hobbies that we enjoyed as children and teenagers can be passed on as we grow and have children of our own. This is one of many ways that life and death dance in an endless circle and help to connect the generations. Some of these changes in perspective are adroitly described in the second section of the book called “Burial.” Because of this name, I anticipated that I would be “buried” in blunt references to death. That did not happen. Instead, this portion of the book provided beautiful and contemplative metaphorical references that led me to some sublime, meditative moments.
The journey, the ups, and the downs continue throughout the entire book. I am resisting the urge to say anything that might give “Spoilers”, I want you to experience this book and its journey on YOUR terms so that you pull what YOU need from it. SO, I will say no more about its contents.
The depth and quality of our reserve strength is linked to all the struggles that life throws at us. The collection of poems that Bennion shares in Beneath the Falls shows the variety of life from the mundane to the immediate changes that help us to build the different reserves that we need to be our version of successful in life.
The poems in Beneath the Falls are wonderful additions to lessons, study, and personal reflection. While the style of writing used in Beneath may not be readily recognized as poetry by some, one needs to remember that there are many types of poetry. These varying styles found in Beneath the Falls evoke images and transport the reader to small moments in the life of another. IT is through these small snippets and glimpses that the reader is granted insight and gains new perceptions to past and present viewpoints.
Beneath the Falls is a welcome addition to our personal library and one that I hope will be embraced by others for the lessons, insights, and wisdom that are contained in the few pages that Bennion has collected and shared with us.