Title: A Songbook for LDS Families
Author: Janice Kapp Perry and Bonnie Hart Murray
Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Genre: Music
Year Published: 2015
Number of Pages: 149
Binding: Hardback
ISBN13: 978-1-68047-617-0
Price: $25.99
Reviewed by Kristie Wilkins for the Association for Mormon Letters
There are some people who touch your life and shape the way you view the world in profound ways. The unique gifts and talents they have been given through a loving Heavenly Father allow them to touch hearts and change lives by the beauty they create. Janice Kapp Perry has been that person for millions of LDS children, youth and adults. Sister Perry is able to create lyrics from the most simple, powerful truths of the gospel and masterfully blend them with music so pure and sweet that the spirit flows through every song on every line. As she states, “combining a simple gospel truth with an appealing melody can be powerful in teaching the gospel and influencing lives for good.” [Introduction]
When given the opportunity to review Janice Kapp Perry’s new book, “A Songbook for LDS Families,” I had limited expectations on how I, who am less than musically inclined, could enjoy the book personally. Even without seeing the book I knew it would have tremendous value for LDS families and musicians but how could a regular person enjoy a songbook? The answer came immediately through the brilliant layout and content of the book itself.
“A Songbook for LDS Families” is an absolutely beautiful book. Spiral bound for easy use in a variety of settings, with thick, high quality paper, and intricately embellished pages, it is meant to be used and loved. Each song is perfectly paired with stunning, full-page artwork by artists Arnold Friberg, Simon Dewey, Greg Olsen and Tom Lovell. Truly this book is a visual as well as a musical testimony of the Savior, the “Book of Mormon,” and God’s love for his children.
Affixed to the back cover of the book are two music CDs with simple piano accompaniment for each song. The inclusion of accompaniment tracks allows the songbook to be enjoyed regardless of musical skill level and makes learning the new songs easy and fun. The CDs will be particularly valuable for situations where a piano is not available. This is particularly vital for the second section of the book where the “Book of Mormon” hymns being presented are new to most people. Being able to listen to the music along with reading the words breathes life into the songs in powerful ways.
The songbook is divided into two sections. In the first section, 18 of Janice Kapp Perry’s best-loved songs are presented, along with her own thoughts and feelings on the songs. It is interesting to note that Sister Perry has also taken the time to update or enhance some of her most beloved songs. “In the Hollow of Thy Hand” and the hymn “As Sisters in Zion” contain new lyrics to honor the spirit of thousands of LDS young women who have stepped forward to serve missions with the changing in age guidelines. Sister Perry has also worked the addition of the new Young Women value Virtue into “I Walk by Faith.”
Sister Perry’s music has been a golden thread woven through some of the most sacred moment of my life, my developing testimony and the tenderness of motherhood. Her songs have been lullabies to my children, the belted out joyful sounds of my children’s budding testimonies during primary programs, the faith promoting background music of my youth and the quiet prayers of my heart during times of both great trial and great joy.
There is something about knowing the background of the songs that makes them even more powerful, especially when you witness the way the spirit has played a powerful role in Sister Parry’s experiences and writing process. In speaking of the song “The Voice of the Spirit,” Sister Parry shares, “I have no doubt that I have been guided and even protected by spiritual promptings throughout my life, but oh, how subtle and easy to miss those promptings have been. In my later life the Spirit has spoken to me with such clarity on many occasions that there could be no doubt about the source of my enlightenment. I cherish these experiences, which have all come when I’ve been praying with real intent and felt in tune with the Spirit. I have not expected such direct answers, and it has been both exhilarating and comforting to feel words of the Spirit somehow imprinted in my mind. I’ve felt more than heard the answers and will never forget the joy of those moments. I have tried to describe those experiences in the lyrics and music of this song so I will never forget the feeling.” [70]
Section two of the songbook is a wonderful introduction to the gifts and talents of songwriter Bonnie Hart Murray. Sister Murray has partnered with Sister Perry to create a powerful tribute to the “Book of Mormon,” presenting to us 28 new scriptural hymns taken from the pages of that sacred book of scripture.
Sisters Murray and Perry begin this section by each sharing the inspiration and testimonies that fill their hearts and brought these songs into being. Sister Murray shares, “The Holy Ghost bears witness to us in many ways, and I was granted a great many affirming experiences as I worked on these hymns. Some of the witnesses were feelings of euphoria and elation, some tears of joy, others gratitude and love that came from immersing myself in the “Book of Mormon”…. The powerful witnesses I have received from the Holy Ghost have allowed me to testify that I *know* the “Book of Mormon” is true!” [86]
Sister Murray describes the writing process: “I labored for months and years, fasting, praying, going to the temple, seeking help and inspiration, searching the scriptures, writing, rewriting, shedding tears, feeling discouragement at times, then receiving busts of inspiration and finally creating, with Janice, this series of twenty-eight narrative Book of Mormon hymns.” [85]
All of that work and effort truly shine in this section. The various parts of the “Book of Mormon” that inspired songs from Sister Murray fascinated me. Songs honoring Sariah, the words of King Benjamin, and the experience of Enos as he knelt in prayer resonate with the spirit. The gorgeous artwork of Arnold Friberg, so familiar to us in his depictions of “Book of Mormon” scenes, take on new life and vibrancy when paired with these new hymns. I believe that members of the church will come to treasure them the more they are exposed to them. Again, I think it was brilliant to include the accompaniment tracks for these songs so that the spirit can more powerfully testify through music and lyrics, and the hymns can be fully appreciated for the masterpieces that they are.
Over eight years in the making, “A Songbook for LDS Families” is a fittingly beautiful tribute to Sister Perry’s life work. “I am approaching the end of my writing career, and this has been a legacy project for me — the message I most want to leave behind.” [83] Sister Perry, you have a tremendous legacy and this songbook is a way to treasure that legacy. And what a wonderful way to introduce us to Sister Murray, her beautiful testimony of the “Book of Mormon,” and her gift for making scripture come to life through song. This book is a shining example of the power of friendship and collaboration — a testament that individuals working together can lift each other to achieve remarkable beauty.