Title: The Apocalypse of Morgan Turner
Author: Jennifer Quist
Publisher: Linda Leith Publishing
Year Published: 2018
236 pages
Reviewed by Steven Peck
This book captured so many emotions with such richly drawn and captivating characters, it’s now made my list of essential readings when I make recommendations to friends. Quist intimately sketched both the depth of loss experienced in dealing with the violent death of a loved one, and the complexity of relationships with friends and family in such a terrible situation, but here’s the amazing thing, she pulled it off adroitly with wit and charm. The compelling narrative was portrayed so skilfully I was utterly taken with what a remarkable book I was reading—one when I finished I immediately wanted to read again to see how she pulled it off. Superbly written, yes, but more than that, it’s an important work of literature that deserves serious attention. I give it my highest recommendation. A wonderfully vibrant, intelligent, and rewarding book.